The CWA is registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. The object of the CWA is “To promote the conservation and protection of the Cotswold Way National Trail and the surrounding environment of the Cotswold Way National Trail and its habitats (including the Cotswold Way Circular Walks, linking and access routes and other named trails in the area) for the public benefit“.
Being a charity gives the CWA access to a set of tried and tested processes and procedures in decision making, fundraising and financial administration. Members of the public, plus the many bodies the CWA will be interacting with, will have the assurance of knowing that the organisation operates to the very highest standards.
The CWA works closely with the Cotswolds Conservation Board which operates to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the Cotswolds National Landscape a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens are its volunteer arm and implement many of the projects funded by the CWA.
CWA membership is open to everyone – it’s the members who elect the CWA’s Trustees and who are responsible for its major decisions. Our constitution follows the Charity Commission’s “Association” CIO Model in all respects and a copy is available by HERE.
All of the CWA’s Trustees are currently or have previously been involved in activities associated with the Cotswold Way and other trails in the Cotswolds. From creating guides, maintenance work parties to leading guided walks.
Martyn Hall (Chair)
A long distance path walker and member of the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens since 2017 and Chair of Cotswold Warden Central District for three years until 2023. Martyn is currently active on work parties and is Parish Warden Coordinator for his district. -
Martin Lovegrove (Vice Chair)
Martin is a long-standing, active Cotswold Voluntary Warden and most recently served as Head Warden between 2016 and 2018.
Malcolm Higgins (Secretary)
Malcolm served for 21 years in the Royal Navy then left to pursue a business career. He studied at Exeter University and was awarded an MBA. He has also had two patents granted in the UK and overseas. Malcolm joined the CWA as a member in April 2019 and became a volunteer Parish Warden in June 2019.
John Tennant
John is currently Chairman/ General Manager of the Monarchs Way Association, a long-distance trail that intersects the Cotswold Way.
Richard Holmes
Richard has been a keen walker since he was a teenager. He has walked extensively in North Yorkshire, Wales and the Lake District. Apart from the Cotswold Way Richard has also walked the Cleveland Way, most of Offa’s’ Dyke and Hadrian’s Wall. He is currently engaged in promoting, protecting and improving public rights of way in Gloucestershire through his work with the Ramblers and Gloucestershire Local Access Forum. He still has time to go walking and when not in the county often heads for the Brecon Beacons.
Tony Duffin
As a lifelong walker and after a career as a Chartered Accountant in the insurance industry, Tony turned to more pleasurable pursuits. He has been a Cotswold Voluntary Warden since 2014, leads guided walks, is a Parish warden, participates in work parties and is active in the management of the Central District of the Wardens.
If you’d like to become one of our Trustees, please send brief details about yourself to Martyn Hall, the CWA chair at
Volunteers will always be our lifeblood and the foundation on which the organisation relies. The Trustees are all volunteers and come from volunteering backgrounds.
You could help with:
- running this interactive website,
- writing articles for our regular E-Newsletter,
- helping run CWA’s online shop
- administering our Fund-a-Footpath schemes,
- identifying new improvement project on our trails
- being our ambassador with local stakeholders
- liaising with similar organisations up and down the country

You don’t have to be an active walker to get involved. You can be someone who’s looking for an opportunity to contribute to an exciting new venture – from a couple of hours from time to time or for half a day or a full day each week. You could be retired or you could be a young person looking for work experience.
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